Recent Activity

ANN: Dogelog Player 1.2.0 (Binary Streams)

Dear All, We are happy to announce a new edition of the Dogelog player: - Quasi-Parallel Loader: The Prolog text loader is now task aware. Mehr...

ANN: Dogelog Player 1.1.6 (HTTP Client)

Dear All, We are happy to announce a new edition of the Dogelog player: - Enhanced '$YIELD'/1: Previously the '$YIELD'/1 instruction was hard coded to understand an integer for sleep/1 and an atom for native library loading. Mehr...

ANN: Dogelog Player 1.1.5 (HTTP Server)

Dear All, We are happy to announce a new edition of the Dogelog player: - Enhanced library(misc/markup): The library(misc/markup) has been extended to include a unified DOM writer abstraction. Mehr...

ANN: Dogelog Player 1.1.4 (Generational GC)

Dear All, We are happy to announce a new edition of the Dogelog player: - Multi Measurement: The library(runner) was enhanced to be able to perform multiple measurements when used as a benchmark harness. Mehr...

ANN: Dogelog Player 1.1.3 (Tuning Trilogy)

Dear All, We are happy to announce a new edition of the Dogelog player: - Monomorphic Cache: New episode in creating a Prolog system with no atom table and no datatype string, only atoms. Mehr...