ANN: Dogelog, Invitation to the Moon!

Admin User, created Dec 07. 2021, modified Dec 08. 2021 Dear All, The website is now open for newsletter registration. What are the plans for the next 10 years (sic!): - Past: 100% Java Prolog We had the Jekejeke suite consisting of runtime, Minlog and debugger. The runtime was initially 100% Java, including things like consult and top-level. - Present: 100% Prolog Prolog This year in 2021 we managed to deliver a new breed of Prolog, with the Dogelog player we demonstrated a Prolog system which had most of it written in Prolog itself. The Dogelog player is available for JavaScript and Python. - Future: The goal is to produce a Dogelog Suite consisting of runtime, Minlog and debugger, all based on the new 100% Prolog approach of the Dogelog player. It is planned that Dogelog suite will again cover Java, but we could also try novel targets such as Steel Bank Common Lisp (SBCL), etc.. Warning: It might take some time till the new website shows some binaries, since we have removed us from GitHub. We are working on it. Have Fun! #StaySafe
